Enamellers & Polishers

The VEA has listed companies solely as a guide to assist website visitors. The VEA has no direct association with them and their inclusion on this list does not imply any recommendation or warranty. Companies are listed based on available knowledge. To have a company included in the listing, please contact us see: Enquiries

The * shows who does what and their contact details are listed below.

 Bath PolishingChip RepairBath Re-EnamellingCast Iron Re-EnamellingSteel Enamelling
A J Wells & Sons  ***
H & F Enamelling   * 
Hy-Tech Enamellers Ltd  ***
Kingfisher Enamelling Ltd  ***
Lachlan Rattray**   
Trico-VE Ltd   **

A J Wells & Sons

Bishops Way, NEWPORT, Isle of Wight PO30 5WS

T 01983 537766
F – 01983 537788
[email protected]

H & F Enamelling Ltd

Ladyswell Street, Cashel, Co Tipperary, Republic of Ireland

T +353 062 61511 (From UK: 00353 062 61511)

Hy-Tech Enamellers Ltd

6 Brue Way, Highbridge, Somerset TA9 4AW

T 01278 794481
F 01278 785092
[email protected]

Kingfisher Enamelling Ltd

Units 2 / 4 Moxley Ind. Centre, Wednesbury, West Midlands, WS10 7BG

T 0121 556 5494
F 0121 556 5852
[email protected]

Lachlan Rattray

Craighall-Rattray, Blairgowrie, Scotland, PH10 7JB

Trico-VE Ltd

Castlefields Mill, Castlefields Industrial Estate, Crossflatts, BINGLEY, West Yorkshire, BD16 2AB

T 01274 510101
F 01274 510105
[email protected]

The VEA has included the companies in this list solely as a guide to assist consumers. No warranties or recommendations are implied by this inclusion.


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